Directly teach students how to complete all three elements of the SBAC ELA Performance Task with step-by-step teacher-led lessons.
This portion of the test is 15%-25% of a students total SBAC ELA score.
These step-by-step lessons overtly teach students how to successfully complete a Performance Task from the beginning to end.
Directly teach students:
And… How to apply them to every part of the Performance Task.
These 10 step-by-step teacher-led lessons guide students through a practice SBAC Performance Task on your state’s testing platform.
Easy to implement in 1 to 3 weeks, and reviewed again before testing time for best results.
Standards Plus is produced by Learning Plus Associates, a Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation dedicated to creating and providing solutions that increase student achievement and support teacher delivery of high-quality, effective instruction on a daily basis. The lessons are based upon the research of Effective Schools Correlates, Edward Deming’s Total Quality Management (TQM), and models of effective instruction. A team of content and grade level experts wrote the Standards Plus lessons to meet the skills, concepts, depth, and rigor of the state standards.
Schedule a brief virtual meeting to learn how Standards Plus can support your school.